What a special day November 2 is. Yes it's my birthday, but that's not why I think it's special. I share a birthday with one of the most amazing little boys in this world, Davin. I seriously
can not believe he is four years old. Four years ago I was in labor for 12 hours and 42 minutes ((which I thought would NEVER EVER end)), not knowing what to expect as a first time mom. I was so scared, I didn't have a clue what I was doing or what to do when he would arrive. I soon realized that bringing a baby into this world is truly one of the biggest blessings that has ever been a part of my life. Davin has taught me so much about myself, motherhood, patience ((what kid doesn't!?)), and just how precious life really is. I love that boy more then I ever could explain, and I'm so grateful that he picked Brady and I to be his earthly parents, because I have no clue where we would ever be in this world, with out his sweet little spirit. SOOO I know this post is late, but here are just a few of my favorite things about him, and a few cute pictures as well.
1. When we walk in the door after work, the first thing he ALWAYS says is "are you guys done with work!?" and then jumps up to give us hugs.
2. The way he loves the color pink. We know he's tough enough to wear pink so we don't mind--one day we told him it was for girls and he told me "My uncle Bobbie's favorite color is purple so mine is pink." Okay then :)
3. His nearly never-ending energy.
4. Love his little giggle, its so stinking cute.
5. He considers Trevin his best friend--although they can be worst enemies at the same time. He's an amazing big brother.
6. He will randomly tell people he loves them out of the blue--and it literally melts your heart.
7. The way he acts so silly when he's tired--He get's a little crazy!
8. The way he loves his Daddy--I love watching them together and love that they're so close.
9. His singing--You know Davin is in a perfectly good mood when he sings!
10. I love his sweet little smile--it would brighten any ones day!
Newborn--our first "family photo"
1 Year
2 years
3 Years
4 Years