“Other Things May Change Us, But We Start And End With Family”
Monday, June 28, 2010
Way To Big Way To Fast
Trevin is almost 7 months already which is crazy to me. I can remember being in labor with him like it was yesterday. He's now sitting by himself, trying to copy sounds, and even scooting himself around a little bit. Makes me sad :(. He eats like a horse--He will seriously eat anything you give him, other then peaches, he doesn't like them for some reason. Anyways, here are some new pictures. Standing on the couch--he's got some chunky legs! Happy boy! And no---he has little to NO hair at all!
I love his chunky legs! And his chubby cheeks! And his smile! He looks just like Davin did when he had no hair. Which means he will someday have hair so he can look like Davin even more.
We were married in May of 2007 and have two little boys, Davin and Trevin. We are currently living in Utah and both love where we are at in our lives!!
I love his chunky legs! And his chubby cheeks! And his smile! He looks just like Davin did when he had no hair. Which means he will someday have hair so he can look like Davin even more.