Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Been Forever!

It's been quite a while since I posted last--SORRY!! Everything has been going really good with everybody.

Brady and I have just been working our guts out at Moon Lake. Its been a fun but busy summer and I can't believe its almost over. It was 30 degrees at our house this morning when we left for work--our windows were frosted :(.....winter is coming soon.

Davin is getting way to big for his britches. He's talking up a storm and about half way potty trained. He LOVES his potty--really weird I know--but a definite good thing for me! We're hoping to have him fully trained by the time Trevin is born. Davin is very excited to have a little brother. So excited in fact that in church this past Sunday he decided he wanted to show people where Trevin is. A guy in our ward was talking to Davin and Davin was showing him where Mom and Dad were. Johnny asked where his baby brother was and Davin decided he needed to lift up my shirt and show him my stomach--bit embarrassing. Johnny thought it was funny--luckily I caught my shirt so he didn't see to much but I definitely wasn't expecting to give everyone a show!! Davin loves to give Trevin loves and kisses--we'll see how it goes when he's actually here! No matter what though--I'll love Davin the same--he's my pride and joy :)

I love this picture--mac and cheese for a cheesy grin! And yes--he ate the entire bowl!

He LOVES Buzz Light-Year.

He loves "roar-wheewers" so he had to sit on grandpas with Dad.

Probably my favorite picture ever--he loves showing his teeth in pictures and I took this one at the best moment. He's such a ham!

I had my 26 week check up yesterday. The heartbeat was 150 and my Doc said that was perfect and my stomach measured at almost 26 centimeters which is right on schedule. He wanted me to ask questions so I asked him how I was suppose to breathe--I was dead serious and all he did was laugh at me and say "get use to it--its third trimester time and it'll just get worse". I'm so looking forward to getting more uncomfy. Its already hard to sleep and breathe--I USE to be able to eat really good and now that he's growing my stomach is teeny and cant fit anything in it--any tips???? Everything is on schedule with the pregnancy-13-14 weeks to go-all is well!


  1. HA HA! I can't believe he tried to lift your shirt! That is too funny, he is so cute it should be illegal.

  2. Davin is getting so big and is cute as ever!!! I bet he will be a great big brother!!
