I haven't blogged forever--I have a good reason though. We finally got Trevin here. All is going good now. He's 3 weeks old today--he was born December 7th at 11:01 pm. He was 6 pounds 2 ounces and 19 inches long. He was still good sized for being 3 weeks early. The only problem we had was when he was born his lungs werent fully developed so he wasn't breathing really well on his own and was on oxygen for a day and night. SCAREY! I didn't get to see him when he was born and I didn't get to hold him or anything until about 330 am and I still had to go to the nursery to see him because he was hooked up on tubes and stuff. I'll post pictures soon!!!!
I can't believe my baby turned TWO! That's absolutely nuts to me. He was sick on his birthday to though :(. He still had the croup. Then when we had his party on the 7th--he had the flu. I'm hoping its all out of his system. Luckily he waited until everyone was gone to throw up and everything. He REALLY wanted Lightning McQueen and Mater Blowing out the candles Opening presents.... He got spoiled.... With lots of fun books...and clothes...and toys... Most of his grandparents were there--Papa Dave, Great-Grandpa Gordon, Great-Grandma Dena, Great-Grandpa Dalvis and Great-Grandma Marlene--thanks for coming it was good seeing you guys :) and thanks to my mother in law and sister in law--we had an amazing lunch. We had home made broccoli and cheese soup with soup bowls--it was PERFECT--thanks Jen and Erin :) This was RIGHT after everyone left--he was feeling so yucky and was so tired. He took a good nap and woke up and got really really sick :( poor little man.
I just can't believe we went from this.... To this--in absolutely no time. ((yes he has red gel in his hair--he got his haircut that day and the girl who cut it made it way fun for him--it just wasn't to fun to get out of his WHITE hair)) We love him lots--he's our little man and can't wait for the memories to come with him!
I haven't posted in forever--not even Halloween! Well Davin was a lion for Halloween but we didn't get to take him trick-or-treating. He had croup and was feeling so crummy it was sad. We put him in his costume and took him to my bosses house up the road from us and Brady's grandparents around the corner and our neighbors. Then he started not feeling good so we came home. This was the night of Halloween--poor little man! Bradys parents were down in St. George for Halloween and hadn't seen him in his costume yet so we took it down to show them the week after. He was roaring at his Aunt Erin! The costume looks a lot better with a smile!
So I was putting Davin in the bath on Friday morning and he was completely naked ready to get in. He had just had a stinky diaper and we cleaned his bum extra good since he would be in the bath. I was checking on the water and Davin had his hands on his bum--Brady was right behind him--this is how the conversation went.....
Me: "Brady whats he doing?" Brady: "Davin what are you doing?" Davin: "Just cleanin' Dad" Me: ((laughing hysterically)) "Oh Dear"
Savannah I can totally see and hear you laughing :)
Good thing he was getting in the tub cuz apparently we didn't clean his bum up to his expectations.....How can you not love him though??
We went and got a 3d ultrasound today and it was the coolest thing I've ever seen! We weren't able to get one with Davin because they didn't have them at the hospital then. It is absolutely crazy how good they turn out.
This is his foot and his leg--the thing behind his leg is his hand--he was sitting on it. This is my favorite one because he looks like Davin in it--just a face shot. The long thing by his face is his arm. The crazy thing is--in all of Davin's ultrasound pictures he had his arm up like that too! Side profile of his face. The black by his lips is his umbilical cord. She couldn't get it to move. This is his hand--except its kinda blurry--he was moving when she got the picture. Another one straight on to his face. He's snuggled up pretty good in there. He looks a lot like Davin and I can't wait for him to get here! Davin is very excited too--he's started playing peek-a-boo with "Twevin" and it's the cutest thing ever!!!
It's been quite a while since I posted last--SORRY!! Everything has been going really good with everybody.
Brady and I have just been working our guts out at Moon Lake. Its been a fun but busy summer and I can't believe its almost over. It was 30 degrees at our house this morning when we left for work--our windows were frosted :(.....winter is coming soon.
Davin is getting way to big for his britches. He's talking up a storm and about half way potty trained. He LOVES his potty--really weird I know--but a definite good thing for me! We're hoping to have him fully trained by the time Trevin is born. Davin is very excited to have a little brother. So excited in fact that in church this past Sunday he decided he wanted to show people where Trevin is. A guy in our ward was talking to Davin and Davin was showing him where Mom and Dad were. Johnny asked where his baby brother was and Davin decided he needed to lift up my shirt and show him my stomach--bit embarrassing. Johnny thought it was funny--luckily I caught my shirt so he didn't see to much but I definitely wasn't expecting to give everyone a show!! Davin loves to give Trevin loves and kisses--we'll see how it goes when he's actually here! No matter what though--I'll love Davin the same--he's my pride and joy :) I love this picture--mac and cheese for a cheesy grin! And yes--he ate the entire bowl! He LOVES Buzz Light-Year. He loves "roar-wheewers" so he had to sit on grandpas with Dad. Probably my favorite picture ever--he loves showing his teeth in pictures and I took this one at the best moment. He's such a ham!
I had my 26 week check up yesterday. The heartbeat was 150 and my Doc said that was perfect and my stomach measured at almost 26 centimeters which is right on schedule. He wanted me to ask questions so I asked him how I was suppose to breathe--I was dead serious and all he did was laugh at me and say "get use to it--its third trimester time and it'll just get worse". I'm so looking forward to getting more uncomfy. Its already hard to sleep and breathe--I USE to be able to eat really good and now that he's growing my stomach is teeny and cant fit anything in it--any tips???? Everything is on schedule with the pregnancy-13-14 weeks to go-all is well!
We had a very fun but busy weekend! We were out in Salt Lake all weekend with Brady's family and went to the zoo. The kids had a blast!!!! This was on the train ride at the zoo--We kinda cut Dav off--whoops! The kangaroo was bouncing all over the place before we got there! And the tourtoises just laid around-they were huge! It was hard to get Dav off the Carousel and every time we'd come around he'd wave like crazy to Grandma and Grandpa and Daddy. The Gorilla was my favorite part. He was HUGE!! Dav was fascinated by the way he ate. The zoo lady threw a sack of food over the fence and he emptied it out and just sat down and lounged out on the grass and started eating--a whole head of lettuce gone in one bite! Dav loved watching him! The Giraffes are the most beautiful animal ever! The baby was only 10 days old--look how tiny he looks compared to his dad! Dav loved the Zebras too--he kept calling them horses but got the hang of Zebra after awhile! Funny story. The top picture is of two bears playing and Dav kinda got scared. He kept yelling "STOP IT" at the bears--like they would listen! The bottom picture is cute--the bear was obviously tired. Sittin' on the Rhino with Aunt Karlee and Aunt Erin The Rhinos were Dav's all time favorite ((other then the monkeys)) he didn't want to leave them! There was only one elephant--the other one was in labor with her baby! They're pregnant for 21 months--almost two years--I'm pretty sure I don't envy them at all. We had lots of fun at the zoo--I can't wait to go back
We also spent a day touring Temple Square and This Is The Place--It was SOOOO cold outside--I'm not even kidding. Dav wasn't feeling to good this day either--but it was still fun! George Wardle is related to Brady's Grandma somehow--we thought it was neat that he was on the plaques there--and even has his own tree. The Salt Lake Valley--Gorgeous The monument was huge--very pretty! This is the Assembly Hall at Temple Square--I thought it was a pretty building. Inside the old Tabernacle. It was built when Brigham Young was Prophet--its way old but so beautiful! Salt Lake Temple Cool story. I've always loved going to visit the visitors center at Temple Square just so I can go up the ramp and sit in front of this statue--It's the most beautiful thing ever! We took Dav up there of course and I asked Dav who it was and he pointed and got pretty excited and said "JESUS!"--Brady and I were stunned. We've worked with him at home with pictures and stuff but we weren't sure if he'd remember--I about started crying--He definitely remembers...
We were married in May of 2007 and have two little boys, Davin and Trevin. We are currently living in Utah and both love where we are at in our lives!!